Insight Our commitment to promoting well-being in the company GroupSustainability Great resignation and quiet quitting are two terms often heard in connection with different work and employment environments. Both are related to the post-pandemic, but also to the cultural and social evolution characterized by people greater pursuit of well-being and values even in their own work-life balance. For a company, taking care of its people,...
Insight Fedrigoni for people. Dream to the great with Inspiring Girls Sustainability “By age 12, 50% of girls aspire to stereotypical gender roles. How can this be possible when the world is so full of outstanding female role models?” These are the words of Miriam González Durántez, founder of Inspiring Girls, the international nonprofit organization that supports female empowerment and the role of women in the society...
GroupSustainability Our workshops with InspiringGirls International go beyond borders / The partnership with NGO Inspiring Girls International turns one year old. A project created to help raise awareness of their talent in female adolescents, freeing them from the gender stereotypes that often curb ambition. How? Making them dialogue with female role models and joining creative workshops. After the first experience in two classes of second...
Insight What are the 7 signs (sins) of greenwashing? Sustainability With increasing attention to climate change and consumer awareness of green issues, the temptation to give a green image to attract customers is very high. However, if the statements do not match the substance, the risk is to slip into the pattern of greenwashing, namely giving oneself a veneer of being an environmentally conscious company...
Insight Pre-consumer waste (PRE-cw) or post-consumer waste, (POST-cw, PCW)? Sustainability Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an objective method of assessing and quantifying the environmental footprint associated with a product throughout its life cycle, a key issue for integrating circular economy principles into production processes. In 2021, Fedrigoni developed Im:pact, twin tools (Eco-design Tool) – third-party verified – for calculating the energy, water and carbon footprint...
Insight Offsetting our carbon dioxide (CO2) Sustainability Carbon and climate offsetting are deliberate coping schemes aimed at making up for an activity carbon dioxide (CO2) emission by reducing emissions elsewhere, such as through reforestation and/or biodiversity protection projects elsewhere in the world. According to the latest Science-Based Target initiative (SBTi) report, CO2 offset measures are essential in accelerating the ecological transition yet...