For a company with production sites and sales networks operating around the world, the promotion of human rights goes beyond mere words, it is an issue that is faced every day as we encounter profound social, regulatory, and cultural differences.
Fedrigoni is committed to respecting human rights in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, International Bill of Human Rights, the principles of the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. In addition, from 2021 Fedrigoni has been part of the United Nation Global Compact. In 2023 we made public our People and Nature Commitment: “Making business work for people and nature” and we carried out a human rights assessment to verify the level of human rights protection in the Group’s production plants (Human Rights Impact Assessment).
Where we operate
We operate in 28 countries with 68 distribution sites and slitting centres. We sell a total of over 25,000 products in 132 countries.
In none of our host territories, where we work with thousands of people, have we ever gone through procedures for physical or economic resettlement of indigenous people, and none of our sites have ever required community consultation or resettlement programmes.
Our approach
Our commitment to respect human rights affects all of our activities, employees, contractors, suppliers and local communities. In 2022 we carried out our first risk mapping on 100% of our production sites. The purpose of the analysis was to proactively identify and assess the potential impacts and risks related to respect for human rights that can occur in all our Group plants.
In this first mapping we have considered many relevant issues, from forced and child labour, to discrimination, health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, to the impact on biodiversity. The analysis showed overall positive results and no human rights violations in the production sites examined. It also identified potential areas for improvement where we intend to focus our greatest efforts. In the coming months, we will move on to the next phase: the prevention and mitigation of human rights risks along the entire supply chain.
To learn more about the methodology and results, download the Assessment.