Insight The limits of the planet: which have already been exceeded Sustainability Climate change, biodiversity, exploitation in land use. These are three out of nine “planetary boundaries” we have already breached. Such limits were identified in 2009 by the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Planetary boundaries set out no-return thresholds beyond which life on the planet may become unsustainable, even impossible for humans. The underlying research has involved dozens...
AcquisitionsPaper Mohawk will be the North American distribution partner for Fedrigoni Specialty Papers, effective July 2023 / Mohawk’s distribution partners, and community of creatives and printers throughout North America, will have access to the wide Fedrigoni creative portfolio (with the exception of Fedrigoni digital papers, distributed exclusively by GPA), with special focus on supporting Fedrigoni’s Materia Viva (a vast collection of high-quality, high recycled content papers) and Sirio Pearl (pulp-colored papers and...
Insight Safety and the 5S method Sustainability The 5S is a method to arrange spaces for every job to be done effectively, safely and efficiently. This system focuses on keeping everything in its intended slot and the workplace tidy, minimizing wasted time and the risk of personal injuries. 5S came about as the cornerstone of the Toyota Production System (TPS), the production...
InnovationSustainability 5S approach: from Japan to Rocchetta, the Marche plant pioneers this new method / Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke: these 5 words (‘5S’ words) stand for the pillars of a Japan-based approach focused on reducing redundancy and tidiness to optimise the organisation of workspaces in manufacturing plants and maintain a safe and efficient work environment. Since a little over a year, the 5S approach has also been applied in...
Insight Self-adhesive material: what it is and how it is made SelfadhesivesSustainability The label on a bottle of wine, the seal on a box of chocolates, the sticker on an apple, the graphic on a store window, the lettering on a public transit floor, the billboard by the side of the road, an inscription personalizing a commercial vehicle, the pharmaceutical sticker in the box of a medicine,...
Insight What does it mean to be FSC certified? PaperSustainability Forest certification systems are international authentication bodies that verify companies’ adherence to sustainable forestry practices. They ensure that companies operate in a way that avoids environmental, social, and economic damage. The two most widely recognised certifying bodies are the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes (PEFC). Fedrigoni Group...