A step further than yesterday

Committing to a sustainable development journey means embracing transformation and making progress every day.

We, at Fedrigoni, live and breathe sustainability with the ‘Making Progress’ approach, a process of ongoing transformation and improvement that involves the whole ecosystem, i.e. brands, printers, converters, graphic designers and suppliers, favouring the creation of a responsible and sustainable supply chain.
We apply the principles of circular economy in all our production processes to manufacture our specialty papers and self-adhesive materials, reducing our carbon footprint and improving our management of raw materials, water, and waste. Designing our products according to eco-design, we implement cutting-edge technologies testing new materials. We have long been doing this with our people, ensuring their talent is valued, so that everyone can contribute to consolidating an inclusive and safe environment. We ask the same to our suppliers, to comply with human rights and biodiversity even upstream.

Our 2023 results


of CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2)


recovered waste


of supplier spending base qualified also according to ESG criteria


suppliers by spend, covering purchased good and services and capital goods, with science-based targets


purchase of FSC COC and CW certified pulp


work-related injury rate


people involved in Performance Conversations


of women in managerial positions

2030 Target

The first destination on our transformation journey is in 2030. We have been pursuing a strategy consisting of 4 focus areas and specific targets, following the 2030 goals common to all United Nations Member States: The Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, adopted in 2015 as a universal call for action.

Checkpoint 2030: Goals

A step forward, every day

The environment

Decarbonisation, safeguarding biodiversity, responsible water management: we have charted a specific path, which includes risk mapping and quantitative indicators, striving to reduce our impact on the environment and protecting the natural ecosystems. Our progresses ares is measured and increased by a careful choice of suppliers, assessed according to our standards.

Fedrigoni for the environment


Our corporate culture has always focused on people, their talent, growth, safety, and rights. The same applies in each location of the Group, with a Code of Ethics and an approach to environmental risk management (ERM) leading us. We have identified areas for action with measurable goals: safety, inclusion, training and value creation for the community.

Fedrigoni for the people


We rely on tradition to ensure the quality and technical performance of our speciality papers and self – adhesive materials, and on our talents to deliver highly aesthetic, innovative content. We know how to meet the needs of our customers and designers in terms of:

– quality and performance of our products.
– sustainability of our supply chain.
– sustainability of our production processes.

Fedrigoni for product development

The world around us

Our production is based on the use of natural resources and we are hence part of the communities where we operate, close to the people. We pursue a large number of initiatives: From partnerships in international projects, such as Inspiring Girls International, to our commitment to disseminating art and culture through the Fedrigoni Fabriano Foundation and the Festival del Disegno; from our collaboration with universities, schools and associations, to Fedrigoni Wood near our plants.

Fedrigoni for local communities



Ecovadis score 2023 -Platinum medal again!

In 2023, EcoVadis re-evaluated our performance. Once again we attained the Platinum medal, with a global score, such as the Environmental and the Labor & Human Rights scores, at an outstanding level. The most significant step forward was to become the Leader in the Carbon category, awarded as a company with the best in class...

Laura Pelaez and Fedrigoni: a career story, from internship to the Transformation Team

Laura Pelaez, 28, Colombian, experienced three continents and is fluent in five languages. Data analysis is what she’s keen on and recently joined Fedrigoni’s Transformation team. Laura feels lucky as she has never faced the gender stereotypes often hindering women getting more involved in STEM studies and professional roles, even in developed countries. “I have...

Re-play: here’s what springs from glassine recovery

Whenever a self-adhesive label is applied, the siliconized glassine liner reaches its end of life and turns into waste. Yet we are dealing with a high-quality material made up of the purest fibers with valuable mechanical properties. A waste of resources and value that prompted Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives to look for circular solutions that engage final...