
Renewable Change in Brazil driven by Ecoparks

Fedrigoni Autoadesivos do Brasil Ltda. has taken a significant step towards sustainability by stopping the disposal of an average of 103 tons of solid waste per month and generating 15.7 MWh* of renewable electricity. This achievement was made possible through the Ecoparque Paulínia, operated by the Brazilian company Orizon, a pioneer in waste recovery processes. Orizon operates 15 Ecoparks in 10 Brazilian states, valorizing waste from over 40 million Brazilians.

This project demonstrates how waste can be transformed into resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to a cleaner and renewable Brazilian energy matrix. Previously, all solid waste from Fedrigoni’s Self-Adhesive factory in Jundiaí was sent to landfills without utilization. However, starting from February 2024, Marcelo da Silva Neves, COO of the LATAM region, and his team organized the redirection of these wastes to Orizon, which uses them to generate electricity and carbon credits through the Ecoparque Paulínia. This allowed the company to obtain a green certification and contribute to clean energy generation.

But what is an Ecopark? It is a Waste Valorization and Valorization Complex formed by a group of industrial plants with high technology that allows for safe and innovative treatment and valorization of solid waste. Ecoparks have mechanical sorting units (MSUs) for recovering recyclable materials, infrastructure, and technology for organic compost generation from waste, and capacity for generating carbon credits. For example, biogas processing allows for the generation of renewable electricity and biomethane, a fuel with properties like Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).

Marcelo and his team are currently working in partnership with universities and other companies to find solutions to reuse their waste and turn them into other products, such as non-toxic biofertilizers, cementitious composites, PVC composites, pure cellulose, among others, all made from recycled materials. With these approved projects, it will not only enable Green Certification but also reduce the costs associated with sending materials to landfills.

Additionally, Fedrigoni Autoadesivos do Brasil Ltda. is developing some projects, of which we highlight two more interesting ones involving the use of non-toxic biofertilizers and cementitious composites. Both are in the final stage of development, with great prospects for success and approval for industrial-scale production. Another project still in the laboratory research phase is the use of nanotechnology to create more efficient materials for energy production. According to Marcelo, the use of nanocrystals has potential applications in various areas mentioned in the literature, such as solar energy production and conversion into electricity, resulting in solar panels that generate more energy with fewer losses.

Making Progress is our motto, and we are committed daily to contributing to the necessary positive change for the preservation of our planet’s health.

*Data referred to February 2024