From waste to resource

We apply the so-called “waste hierarchy”: first we implement initiatives to prevent and reduce the production of waste, then we favour their recycling and recovery. In fact, we set the target of zero waste to disposal in landfills.


The impact

In the paper industry, the number one waste is sludge resulting from the purification of the water used to process raw materials. It is a mixture of plant fibre, water, minerals that ferments with the heat during the production process.

The other waste we produce is packaging, mixed waste, liquid washing waste and other special waste.

In 2023, we have recovered 91% of industrial waste thanks to our targeted initiatives involving both our divisions.

The impact of the Self-Adhesive division

Waste has the greatest impact on the environment in our Self-Adhesive Division. The production process leaves behind semi-finished raw materials as processing waste (mixed waste) and washing water, which is used to clean the spreading heads.

Find out more about the Self-Adhesive commitment

The impact of the Special Papers division

The main waste in the Special Papers division is the sludge from the processing water, which, before being returned to the environment, is purified by primary chemical-physical plants and secondary biological plants. In addition to this waste, there is also mixed packaging, wood, plastic, production waste containing silicone, solutions/dispersions/emulsions of substances from machine washing, used oil, iron and electrical equipment, of which, hazardous material represents a very small proportion of our total production, below 5%.

Find out more about the Special Papers commitment

Our 2023 achievements

With these actions we directly contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8 and 15.


of industrial waste recovered


of the Italian Special Papers sites are ISO 14001 certified.


of the Self-Adhesives production sites are ISO 14001 certified.


no cases of violations of waste management regulations in our production sites


100% of industrial waste recovered and not sent destined for landfills


Sludge recycling and drying

We have installed a pilot drying plant in Verona, which enables us to reduce the volume of sludge produced, which was also done in Fabriano and Arco in 2021. The sludge can then be used by other production areas, such as the agriculture and bio-construction sectors.

Differentiating, sorting and reusing

The first step is to precisely map the waste in each plant so that we know where each kilo of waste is produced so that it can be recovered or recycled. For example, all production waste is recycled in-house as fibrous raw material.

Further information