Safety, every day

For a company like ours, sustainability also means making the workplace pleasant and safe. Our new Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Charter set out the practices we need to adopt in a clear and simple manner in order to avoid risks, work to the best of our ability and meet our quality standards.

Our 2023 achievements

With these actions we directly contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


fatalities at our production sites


work-related injury rate, -37% vs. 2020


Two of our sites recorded zero accidents in 2023: Rocchetta paper milla in Italy and Acucote for Self-Adhesives in the US.

The recipe for reducing risk

Assessing and anticipating risk to create the safest possible workplace – that is our daily goal. 100% of our Special Papers sites and 62% of our Self-Adhesives sites are ISO 45001 certified, the internationally recognised standard for occupational health and safety management systems.
Our method of ensuring collective safety directly involves employees: we have implemented a near miss monitoring procedure, whereby any employee can report a critical issue or potential hazard.

Thanks to our system of listening to all employees – through Safety Reports – we give everyone the opportunity to contribute to identifying improvements to safety procedures and protocols.


-85% of work-related injury rate, from 21 to 3


Promote the culture of safety

To reduce the injury frequency rate at all Fedrigoni Group sites by 85%: this is the ambitious target we have set ourselves for 2030. Fedrigoni respect for its people has always been a part of our philosophy and today it is being strengthened to achieve more ambitious goals: we are laying the foundations for a cultural transformation in safety through a series of targeted initiatives, training programmes, and innovative digital tools.

Prevention and Monitoring

Our approach is based on identifying risks in advance and involving the people and companies that work with us in order for everyone to take an active role in monitoring and reporting potential risks. All events – injuries, safety reports and near misses – are analysed on a regular basis. 

At our plants

Rules and procedures have been shared at our production sites through internal visual communication campaigns with posters and screens to promote virtuous behaviour to be adopted in order to avoid injuries and hazards. The same message, in different languages, reached all Group companies.


For further information