Insight Pre-consumer waste (PRE-cw) or post-consumer waste, (POST-cw, PCW)? Sustainability Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an objective method of assessing and quantifying the environmental footprint associated with a product throughout its life cycle, a key issue for integrating circular economy principles into production processes. In 2021, Fedrigoni developed Im:pact, twin tools (Eco-design Tool) – third-party verified – for calculating the energy, water and carbon footprint...
Insight Offsetting our carbon dioxide (CO2) Sustainability Carbon and climate offsetting are deliberate coping schemes aimed at making up for an activity carbon dioxide (CO2) emission by reducing emissions elsewhere, such as through reforestation and/or biodiversity protection projects elsewhere in the world. According to the latest Science-Based Target initiative (SBTi) report, CO2 offset measures are essential in accelerating the ecological transition yet...
Insight SCIENCE BASED TARGETS INITIATIVE (SBTi): STANDARDS AND COLLABORATION TO REDUCE CO₂ EMISSIONS Sustainability The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a partnership promoted by the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resource Institute (WRI), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and WWF. Created to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement, it was signed by member states at COP21 (Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, the United Nations Framework Convention...
Insight 2030 Agenda: A Guideline for Fedrigoni Sustainability September 25, 2015, 193 member states of the United Nations sign the 2030 Agenda pledging to ensure a better present and future for the planet and the people who inhabit it. A global plan of action to 2030 articulated in 17 interconnected, universal and indivisible Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that balance the three dimensions of...
Insight Virgin fibers or recycled only? Sustainability Virgin fibers are essential to keep the paper cycle viable and renewable. The paper cycle would be impossible to keep going without new virgin fibers since recycled ones deteriorate after a few uses. Virgin fibers are always needed to create high performance papers and recycled ones. Moreover, it is necessary to start the recycling process...
Insight Circular economy Sustainability What is and what means at Fedrigoni The circular economy is a production and consumption model based on a series of actions, and values, including sharing, reusing, and recycling materials. It requires careful design, aimed at increasing the life cycle of goods as much as possible, facilitating their repair and then separation into a range...