Our workshops with InspiringGirls International go beyond borders
The partnership with NGO Inspiring Girls International turns one year old. A project created to help raise awareness of their talent in female adolescents, freeing them from the gender stereotypes that often curb ambition. How? Making them dialogue with female role models and joining creative workshops. After the first experience in two classes of second and third grade of a school in Milan, we are tailoring workshops for students of middle and high schools in Spain, France, Brazil, Chile, and Italy. Notwithstanding, one of the most recent events took place outside the classroom: at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan as part of the Festival del Disegno by Fabriano. The role model was the youtuber and illustrator @Fraffrog who guided the young participants in a creative workshop to imagine and draw a narrative of their life free from prejudices and stereotypes.
Find out more about our collaboration with Inspiring Girls International here