Pioraco, five years after the earthquake
The 26th October of five years ago the little Italian town of Pioraco in the Marche region, where paper has been produced since the 13th century, was hit by an earthquake that completely destroyed our paper mill, fortunately without any deaths or injuries.
Today we celebrate and take pride on the resilience and solidarity demonstrated by the people of Pioraco and our colleagues in Verona and Varone during the reconstruction of the plant in record time. Is in fact in these two towns that people, resources and orders were redistributed to guarantee business continuity and allow for the reconstruction in Pioraco whilst meeting the targets in the production of paper and safeguarding the jobs of our people. Today we also celebrate the farsightedness of the company that decided to invest on the well-being of the little but solid community of Pioraco, and on the heritage of its territory, with the reconstruction from scratch of the paper mill. The top-quality papers from Pioraco – marked, tinted, plain, watermarked and the famous Fabriano 4 drawing paper – have been produced ever since.
Today, the new building features stunning wooden ceilings with lots of natural light in the machine room, is run by a unified team of employees, and treasures the memory of a fruitful collective effort with its daily commitment to deliver on orders from customers around the world.