2021 Report: initiatives, achievements, and goals spanning sustainability
Fedrigoni has accomplished a great deal of work this past year to move closer to the 2030
ESG goals. We are proud of the work done but just as aware of the ground we still have
ahead of us.
Words like environment, climate, circularity, ethics, equality, innovation and community
serve our commitment. A path we want to share with all stakeholders, starting with our
Sustainability Report, where we describe our progress. The Report 2021, drafted
according to the Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI) GRI Standards, is available on our
website: we detail on current and planned actions to reduce the Group environmental
impact and initiatives to enhance our employees and the local communities around us.
As a company consuming large amounts of energy, being able to contribute effectively to
addressing climate change is among the most outstanding challenges for us. Our goal is to
reduce CO₂ emissions by 30% over the next 10 years (baseline for 2019 data): in 2021
we achieved a -1.5% absolute CO₂ emissions against an increase in production of about
5%. We will continue to devote all our efforts and investments to speeding up the
ecological transition, fully aware that the best path involves the joint action of companies
and institutions to reach, together, the target.