InnovaciónSostenibilidad El enfoque 5S: desde Japón hasta Rocchetta, la planta ubicada en Las Marcas experimenta una nueva metodología de trabajo. / Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke: estas 5 palabras (que comienzan con 5 S) representan los principios de una metodología que proviene de Japón, basada en la eliminación de lo superfluo y el orden, diseñada para optimizar la organización de los espacios de trabajo dentro de las instalaciones manufactureras, con el objetivo de mantener un entorno...
Grupo Follow Fedrigoni Group in our new Instagram Channel / From today, we’re starting a new adventure: we are on with Fedrigoni Group Instagram channel. The profile is a new piece of our communication ecosystem in addition to existing brand profiles: Fedrigoni Special Papers, Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives, MyCordenons and Fabriano. A channel where you can find information on our results, innovation, ESG, our People and projects...
AdquisicionesPapeles Fedrigoni announces two new strategic deals in China and France / The agreement signed with the Chinese manufacturer represents a very important element in our growth strategy in the market of translucent papers, a particularly dynamic sector with applications ranging from advertising to industrial design, from food packaging to luxury. The transaction will allow us to strengthen our presence in Asia, where we already have an...
Sostenibilidad éclose: el poder de la pulpa / Monomaterial, 100% reciclable. Estas son características perseguidas por el envasado sostenible que se pueden cumplir como parte de la transición «plástico a papel», uno de los elementos clave de la estrategia de sostenibilidad y objetivos del Grupo Fedrigoni para 2030. Resultado de la asociación entre Fedrigoni y Tecnoform, éclose es la innovadora solución creada con...
EventosGrupo Meet the Winners of Fedrigoni Top Award 2022 / Beauty, expression, sustainability and innovation. Extraordinary works from all over the world carefully selected by a jury of experts to enhance the design and hard work of those who use Fedrigoni Special Papers and self-adhesive materials and turn them into unique jewels for 5 categories. An explosion of creativity at the prize giving ceremony for...
AdquisicionesAutoadesivosPapeles The Fedrigoni Group announces its intention to acquire Papeterie Zuber Rieder / The transaction, which is subject to the consultation of the works council of Papeterie Zuber Rieder, aims to expand the Fedrigoni offer of high-value papers, especially for wines and spirits fine labels. The French company Papeterie Zuber Rieder owns a production plant in Boussières, in the Franche-Comte region, where it produces specialty papers, especially for...