ResultadosSostenibilidad Resultados Financieros y ESG de 2022 + Q1 2023: Números y Progresos / Cerramos 2022 con 2.210 millones de euros en ingresos, frente a los 1.600 millones de 2021 (+37%), distribuidos entre Italia (504 millones, +44%), el resto de Europa (1.054 millones, +36%) y el resto del mundo (653 millones, +31%), con 340 millones de euros de EBITDA proforma (+54% en comparación con 2021) e inversiones de más...
GrupoResultados Excellent results of the first-half 2022 for Fedrigoni Group, confirming a constant growth trend in every business area / Numbers keep growing strongly for Fedrigoni from June 2021 to June 2022: Adjusted Revenues of 1.968 billion euros (+33% vs. June 2021), Pro Forma Adjusted Ebitda of 317.5 million euros (+46% vs. June 2021). The numbers are also extremely positive for the first half of 2022 (January-June): a turnover of 1.077 billion euros (+43% vs....
GrupoResultados Bain Capital Private Equity and BC Partners enter into joint ownership agreement for Fedrigoni / Bain Capital Private Equity and BC Partners, leading global private investment firms, have signed an agreement to enter into joint ownership of Fedrigoni. Together with Bain Capital, since 2018 the Fedrigoni Group has carried out an ambitious transformation journey on product portfolio, geographic footprint, go-to-market, operating model, culture, governance, and sustainability. We are thrilled to...
ResultadosSostenibilidad Fedrigoni Group: awarded with Platinum Medal by the international ESG rating agency Ecovadis / Nine months after been awarded with the Ecovadis Gold recognition, it is with great satisfaction that we share the further achievement of the Platinum medal. 2021 marked the beginning of a more structured sustainability commitment undertaken and the first results reached. Now in 2022 we cherish how our collective commitment around the world to become...
ResultadosSostenibilidad 2021 Report: initiatives, achievements, and goals spanning sustainability / Fedrigoni has accomplished a great deal of work this past year to move closer to the 2030 ESG goals. We are proud of the work done but just as aware of the ground we still have ahead of us. Words like environment, climate, circularity, ethics, equality, innovation and community serve our commitment. A path we...
ResultadosSostenibilidad The Annual Report 2021 is online: Discover our results, numbers and achievements / The interrelation between sustainability and growth for Fedrigoni Group is essential. We cannot separate the way we do business from the way we commit to the environment, people and the communities around us. Our integrated version of our Annual Report is online: the document contains both our ESG performances and 2021 financial results. We want...